Questions for post COVID-19 pandemic world
Questions for post COVID-19 pandemic world

Path Forward
While we are living at a time of tremendous cultural change which includes virtual disappearance of traditional forms of employment for clas
Changing Culture of Arts Education in the 21st Century
In the last 25 years, globalization and technological advancements have brought tremendous changes to every field of human endeavors. For...
Arts Education in the 21st Century
"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known." - Oscar Wilde Being involved with presenting arts...
Politics and Non-Profits
It has occurred to me recently that arts nonprofits and politicians have something in common. They share decreasing audience and...
A Cloudy Forecast For Performing Arts
I have recently come across this TED talk and while I agree with many points made in it, the questions on my mind are more about what...

Recent Musings: Confirmation Bias; Creativity vs. Playfulness
Confirmation Bias I’ve had a very interesting few weeks performing and presenting very different music to very different audiences....
Why Chamber Music?
Recently, Chamber Music America released a short promotional video under the title “Why Chamber Music?” After watching it I felt...
Evolving or Regressing?
The recent conversation about the Super Bowl Half Time show raised a few questions for me, which I want to share: Isn’t suggesting that...
Classical Music and Don Draper
I recently read about musicians inviting audience members to sit on stage among performers during a concert in order to make the...